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International Time Zone Converter -Version 1.4.2

   Your Date And Time    

International Time Zone Time And Zone Notes

Eniwetok (GMT-12)
Samoa (GMT-11)
Hawaii-Aleutian (GMT-10) No DST in Hawaii
Alaska Standard Time(GMT-9)
Alaska Daylight Time(GMT-8)
Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)Berkeley, California
Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7)
Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7)
Mountain Daylight Time (GMT-6) Arizona does not participate
Central Standard Time (GMT-6)
Central Daylight Time (GMT-5)
Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5)My Time Zone !
Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) Only parts honor in Indiana
Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4)
Atlantic Daylight Time (GMT-3)
Brazilia (GMT-3)
Mid-Atlantic (GMT-2)
Azores (GMT-1)
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Rome (GMT +1)
Israel (GMT +2)
Moscow (GMT +3)
Baku (GMT +4)
New Delhi (GMT +5)
Dhakar (GMT +6)
Bangkok (GMT +7)
Hong Kong (GMT +8)
Tokyo (GMT +9)
Sydney (GMT +10)
Magadan (GMT +11)
Wellington (GMT +12)

IN GENERAL, in places that observe DST:
  • DST begins at 2am on the first Sunday in April.
  • DST ends at 2am on the last Sunday in October.
  • This converter requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers.

    A different methodology and view is available in International Time Display.

    You can also view International Time Zone Map.

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